6 Nov 2012


The English language philosopher Paul Grice proposed in 1975 that in ordinary conversation speakers and hearers cooperate to be understood, and try to avoid ambiguity by attempting to be informative, truthful, relevant and clear. But these rules would mean that humour, puns and tales would become a diversion of his cooperative principle. Basic in Pragmatics. Check out a slideshare in Applied Linguistics (Univ. of Pamplona). Watch a video by Phloneme in YouTube explaining the maxims of conversation.


  1. I love Paul Grice cooperative principle, it´s so pragmatics... From now I´ll take this keys: quality, quantity, relation and manners. These skills are so useful for work teams.

  2. I think is very interesting. It is a model for helping us to regulate how communicative exchange occurs. It also encourages mutual understanding between people.


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