6 Nov 2012


'Behind Spain's turmoil lies a cronyism that stifles the young and ambitious.The country needs more than a bailout. It needs a revolutionary change in its hidebound social structures'.

This article appeared on the Observer on Sunday 30 Sept. 2012. and I quote: 

'Here's the news from Spain last week, in case anybody missed it: huge cuts in government spending; higher taxes; biting austerity; unemployment higher than in Greece; big and growing demonstrations in Madrid; violent clashes with police; and in Catalonia, a rising clamour for secession. The only hope on the horizon takes the ambiguous form of an expected financial rescue package, with still more austerity strings attached, from the richer countries of the north'.

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  1. I also think Spain needs a big change. Why do Spaniards prefer to be a civil servant than a workers in a business? Because workers feel that their jobs are insecure and sometimes workers are slaves to their works. I reckon too this change isn´t simple. And I am not optimistic now.

  2. And unfortunately I was a friendism casualty too when I began to look for a job.


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