27 Oct 2012


London architects dRMM designed in 2009 a house with mobile walls and roof that may look like a simple barn, until you discover that it can be moved to cover or uncover parts of the dwelling. Sustainable design, both beautiful and practical. Details matter. A video worth seeing.


  1. Another example of comfortable and "easy" architecture are modular houses; you only need a place to start the building up and all you need to know is in this webpage, click if you are keen on this but you'll need to know Spanish because of the web is not in English. Sorry for the annoyance ;)

  2. I think the house offers a clever combination of versatility and efficiency. Trends in new housing try to take advantage of natural resources and this house is a good implement on that both issues. Moreover, we can say that kind of houses could be fitted into a whole item called smart cities.


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