29 Oct 2012


Are you travelling to Spain for the first time in November? There are tons of local alternatives to Halloween. Spanish remember their dearly departed on All Saints' Day bringing flowers to their graves, but you may also taste a few traditional sweets, such as 'Huesos de Santo' (literally 'Saint's bones'), made of marzipan, or 'Buñuelos', quite similar to 'Churros'. If you can get to see a performance of Don Juan Tenorio to end up the day, seize the opportunity. Alcalá de Henares could be the perfect place.

1 comment:

  1. I think that each country must celebrate their own traditions, so Spain shouldn´t celebrate Hallowen because that is traditional American.
    In those dates we have "El Puente de todos los Santos", where we enjoy eatting diferents cakes and sweet and it´s typical going to cementeries for drop flowers to ours deceased.


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