10 Jan 2013


Most people know coffee can keep them awake at night, but many don't realise that caffeine takes eight hours to clear the system - so anyone drinking it after 2pm is likely to still be affected at bedtime. In addition to being a stimulant, caffeine interrupts the flow of melatonin, the brain hormone that sends us to sleep. Melatonine levels start rising about two hours before bedtime and peak between 2am and 4am. However, researchers found that caffeine can halve the body's level of melatonine and make us sleep an average 80 minutes less.


  1. Furthermore, there are many people who didn’t know that coffee is bad for the kidneys, so the excuse of “the coffee keeps you awake. It increases mental efficiency and is a good thing to drink when preparing for an examination, etc.” couldn’t be enough.

  2. Today, caffeinated drinks are so commun in the Spanish/Italian population. I´m amazed how the people, teenagers and adults, can drink liters of Cocacola or one/two Red Bull a day regularly. The body adapts to caffeine and you'll need higher level of it to feel its effects on you.


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