17 Jan 2013


                                                                                   ACRYLIC PAINTING  BY P. ÁLVARO (2012)

Genetically modified food is food derived from GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Its commercial sale started in 1994. Is there any risks for our health?Should they always be labelled? Controversy is served. Search for GMO Compass and combat Monsanto iniciatives. Can you infer my own point of view from this painting?


  1. I'm in favour of modifying genetically the food we eat to a certain extent because they can help to develop a country's economy. However, these GMOs should be always labelled with the changes the product has suffered. I think it's really important to test them before they come on to the market to avoid the population poisoning.
    Respecting to the painting, it reflects an artificial view of the food we eat.

  2. In my opinion, GMOs will be good for our healthy if they will be a economically beneficial for large food companies. There are a lot of oppinion about this topic and there are numerous videos where people provides their arguments and testimony . I have found some of them, like
    -Study Reveals That GMO's Cause Cancerous Tumors
    -GMOs increase dramatically food allergy symptoms
    -GMOs have negative reproductive effects.
    One of the most important thing that I have found is that we unknown genetic effects on humans, so we are really like a huge experiment.
    About the paint, I have to say that It's really expresive and that show us a bad opinion about GMOs how we had already talked on class


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